The appliance of science at Selby High

Lynsey O'Kane
January 27, 2022

Students at Selby High School have received a boost to their studies after two classrooms were renovated into science laboratories.

The £340,000 scheme, funded by the county council, has provided a floor-to-ceiling refurbishment of the school’s two oldest science classrooms. The project includes interactive whiteboards, along with blinds which create black-out conditions needed for some demonstrations and experiments. New flooring and science benches were added, along with other equipment.

The renovation scheme also saw the creation of a general teaching classroom and several sets of windows replaced at the school. The new rooms have already allowed the school to host special STEM (Science Technology, Engineering and Maths) events, such as a challenge to build a miniature roller coaster and a yea seven science fair. Year 11 students, Ashleigh Hayes and Isabelle Megilley said the new, fully-kitted classrooms have already helped strengthen their motivation as they focus on further studies and careers in science after school.

Ashleigh said: “The sciences are definitely the subjects that I am most passionate about, so when I am older I aspire to be a doctor or work in research science in order to find a cure for something like Alzheimer’s or Cancer. “I would love to be able to do something I love whilst helping other people. Being in the new labs really inspires me as I have an incredible environment to learn in so I can do my best but also gain a taste of what my life could be like in the future - the labs feel so professional.” Isabelle added: "In the future, I hope to attend Oxbridge to study for my undergraduate and master's degrees. Having advanced, new labs and learning in such an inspiring setting is a great motivation and makes science lessons hugely exciting. “Being in a stimulating new environment like the new labs really incites drive towards my goals, and I can see that it has done the same thing amongst other students too.” Rebecca Brigg, head of science, said: “We now have nice new laboratory space fully equipped with everything we need. It’s a nice working environment for everyone and benefits the students.” The scheme was designed by Align Property Partners and delivered by Walter Thompson Contractors.

County councillor Patrick Mulligan, Executive Member for Education and Skills said; “I'm pleased that North Yorkshire County Council has been able to deliver this project, despite the challenges of Covid and within the building supply chain. “We are constantly working to try to provide the best facilities for teaching and learning for children and young people in North Yorkshire.” (27-01-398 SU)

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